What Animals Live in the Appalachian Trail

What Animals Live in the Appalachian Trail

You're going to do some hiking on the AT. Whether you lot're a thru-hiker, LASHer, weekend warrior, or mean solar day hiker, odds are you will run into some wildlife. To exist fair, we are invading their homes…

So, yous might be wondering: What animals will yous come across? How do you handle wildlife encounters? Which animals should you be wary of? And what to do when things take a bad turn (for wild animals or yourself)?

While I am a wildlife veterinarian technician, one-time wild fauna research technician, and wildlife enthusiast (hence the trail name Wildlife), I will note that I am not a veterinarian or professional wildlife biologist, so any information or advice that I give must exist taken with a grain of salt.

Animals You May Encounter

There are many mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, and insects/arachnids yous can meet and hear along the journey. Below are lists of the animals I encountered, followed past a list of some that I didn't go to interact with, but you possible could!


  • Blackness Bear
  • White-tailed Deer
  • Eastern Cottontail
  • Porcupine
  • Eastern Grey Squirrel
  • Red Squirrel
  • Eastern Chipmunk
  • White-footed Mouse
  • Meadow Vole
  • Big Chocolate-brown Bat
  • Grayson Highland Ponies

White-tailed Deer. These guys are oftentimes fearless of human beings in areas where at that place's no hunting.

Porcupine that I pb me down the trail for 0.1-0.2 miles.


  • American Crow
  • Raven
  • Blue Jay
  • Common Merganser
  • Common Loon
  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • Great Bluish Heron
  • Pileated Woodpecker
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Black-capped Chickadee
  • Spruce Grouse (I'm pretty sure, see movie beneath)
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Red-tailed Militarist
  • Eastern Screech Owl (heard)
  • Barred Owl
  • Northern Central
  • American Robin
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch
  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Wild Turkey
  • Cerise-throated Hummingbird
  • Many more than not identified

Spruce Bickering (as opposed to Ruffed Grouse based on red above eye) seen in Maine.

Barred Owl hanging out before her hunt that dark.


  • Black rat ophidian
  • Garter Snake
  • Five-lined Skink
  • Painted Turtle
  • Red Eft
  • Northern Red Salamander
  • American Toad

Garter Snake slithering away.

Beware you don't stride on a Red Eft! These fiddling guys are all over the trail in meridian season.


  • Praying Mantis
  • Monarch Butterfly
  • Millipede
  • Mosquito
  • Deer Fly
  • xanthous butterfly/look up other collywobbles (brown redish one too), blue one
  • Stick bug
  • Stink bug
  • Marbled Orb Weaver
  • Carolina Wolf Spider
  • Dark-brown Recluse or Yellowish Sac Spider (technically non seen, but was bitten and had a nasty wound that needed antibiotics)
  • Many more not mentioned

Praying Mantis motionless in the grass.

Monarch Butterfly looking majestic.


  • Coyote
  • Moose
  • And several others above already noted equally seen/heard (e.g. Black Conduct, White-footed Mouse, White-tailed Deer)

Moose debris- they're everywhere in Maine!

Ones I missed out on

  • Moose (I only observed feces)
  • Coyote (I only observed feces)
  • Red Play a joke on
  • Gray Fox
  • Virginia Opossum (Non POSSUM)
  • Beaver
  • Fisher
  • American Mink
  • Bobcat
  • Muskrat
  • Woodchuck (aka Groundhog)
  • Striped Skunk
  • Northern Flying Squirrel
  • Eastern Ruby Bat
  • Raccoon
  • Wild Boar
  • Bald Eagle
  • Black Vulture
  • Osprey
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • American Woodcock
  • Wood Duck (and many more than duck species)
  • Northern Bobwhite
  • Timber Rattlesnake
  • Northern Copperhead
  • Spotted Salamander
  • Beck Trout (especially if you are a fisher)
  • Deer Tick
  • Dog Tick
  • Blackness Widow

Handling Wild fauna Encounters

Leave No Trace on Respecting Wildlife

  • Observe wildlife from a distance without post-obit or approaching them.
  • Never feed wildlife, and protect your food by storing it properly (i.e. bear canisters and bags, which likewise help for animals other than bears).
  • Control your pets.
  • Be sensitive and try to avoid wildlife during certain times, such as convenance or raising young.
  • A more detailed description can be found at https://lnt.org/learn/principle-6.

The Go out No Trace principle on respecting wildlife outlined in a higher place is straightforward and definitely the core set of rules to follow. What I would add to this list generally concerns detail species of business organization and special situations discussed in the next sections. However, I will mention here, that wildlife want nothing to practice with you lot, take the few who desire your food, but fifty-fifty they but want the food and volition scurry away if you make your presence known or make it known that you know they are in that location and shoo them away. Therefore, with all wildlife, if you just make some dissonance and/or make yourself visible only give them their space, you volition ensure both their and your rubber. That being said…

Animals To Be Wary Of

Several critters that inhabit the Appalachian trail have item concerns associated with them. Here'due south what you're working with:

  • Venomous snakes (Not POISONOUS- venom refers to an injected toxin, poisonous substance is used for topical, ingested or inhaled toxins)
    • Timber Rattlesnake
    • Northern Copperhead
    • Water Moccasin (aka Cottonmouth)
  •  Venomous spiders
    • Black Widow
    • Brown Recluse
    • Broad-faced Sac Spider
    • Yellowish Sac Spider
  • Insects
    • Ticks (technically an arachnid, not an insect, but grouped here because they both are small and transmit diseases)
    • Mosquitos
  •  Rabies Vectors
    • Raccoons
    • Skunks
    • Woodchucks
    • Bats (Big and Lilliputian Dark-brown)
    • Coyotes
    • Beavers
    • Foxes
  • Rodents
    • Mice
    • Chipmunks
    • Squirrels
  • Other Mammals
    • Black Bears
    • Porcupines

Preventing and Dealing with Negative Encounters

With all of the species to a higher place, there are item things to be concerned most, some more obvious than others, and particular ways to foreclose any negative interactions. Taking care of incidences follows each type of animals description

Venomous Snakes

First, know what each species looks similar and where they like to hang out. Timber rattlesnakes love to dominicus themselves on rocks or logs, so naturally, many people come across them in PA. Other times, they are sprawled out beyond the trail. However, they are known as the "gentleman of venomous snakes." They warn you that their in that location and tend not to be aggressive. Sometimes people stride directly over them, and it isn't until afterwards that they hear the rattle and realize this. You can come across them in all states, except Maine.

Adult Timber Rattlesnake. Photo credit Travis West. Taggart.

Copperheadswill similarly sunday themselves, but they likewise spend a lot of their time on the woods floor, where they cover-up best. In addition to sunning themselves on top of logs (and this goes for rattlesnakes, too), they also lay out where the log meets the ground and spaces between rocks. A practiced trick to avoid encounters here is to employ your trekking pole. Stick it into a gap in the rocks yous're stepping over or on the other side of a log yous're almost to step over. Copperheads are thought to be more ambitious than timber rattlesnake, but this varies. In Massachusetts, a researcher I worked with said they were fairly docile. Massachusetts is the northern boundary of their distribution.

Northern Copperhead. Photo credit CT.gov.

Water moccasinsare a snake I never want to come across. The other two, sure, they are cool to come across, but non this one. Cottonmouths are infamously aggressive. Luckily, seeing them forth the trail is rare. As their proper noun indicates, these snakes similar to hang out most water and are virtually active in the heat of summer. However, they only inhabit the southern states all the way up through Westward Virginia, then nearly NoBos and Sobos will exist out of these states during superlative flavor.

Eastern Water Moccasin. Photo credit VA Herpetological Guild.

With all of these snakes, only don't be an idiot and get all up in their grill. The majority of snake bites occur on hands considering people reach out towards the snake. Don't be that person. Respect them and give the snake his or her space.

Serpent Bites

If you are bitten by a snake, immediately telephone call 911 for help or use your GPS device that may have a panic push. Another resource is the Banner Poison and Drug Information Centre hotline (ane-800-222-1222).  Endeavor to identify or exist able to describe the ophidian that flake you, but practise not endeavor to grab it. Luckily, deaths by rattlesnake or copperhead bites are rare. At that place are several things yous do Non desire to exercise, including applying a tourniquet, trying to suck out the venom, and applying ice. You do want to remove jewelry or gear that could constrict blood flow, remain calm, keep the area with the bite at or below center level, clean but practice not flush wound and cover with a dry dressing. Look out for symptoms, such as swelling, skin color changes, and dizziness, and continue track of their progression. Recruit aid from others if possible. Yous will demand to get to a infirmary as soon every bit possible.

Venomous Spiders

Similarly to the snakes, to prevent bad encounters, it is all-time to know what the spiders look like and where they like to hang out. Nevertheless, even though it is good to know what they await like, often yous don't even see them or observe that you lot've been bitten. Additionally, people tend to avoid all spiders I know from personal experience, as I acquired a venomous spider bite during my journey. Therefore, focus on where they like to hide. Black Widowsare known equally the "outhouse spider" because, you guessed it, they like to hang out in outhouses, or dark spaces in general. This goes for the other species also. Brown Recluses lurk amidst piles of rocks, sticks, or logs, so be careful when collecting woods or grabbing some other log for a fire. The 2 Sac Spiders can exist plant in similar places. Only exist careful with these nighttime spaces. Be wary when you go to use the privy, don't reach into piles of woods, take pieces from the top, don't accomplish into minor dark spaces in general.

Wood pile: a mansion for spiders. Photo Credit Bob Gibbons.

Spider Bites

Virtually people practise not even realize they've been bitten, such as myself, but others feel a sting or a little hurting. Symptoms tin include rash, pain, itching at bite site, nausea, vomiting, headache, and fever. Decease is extremely rare in adults. Therefore, when bitten, only wash the site with soap and h2o, utilize a absurd compress or ice pack if possible, utilise ibuprofen or aspirin for pain relief, and call the doctor/seek medical treatment if necessary. To effigy out if yous need further medical attention, monitor your symptoms. Annotation if they've gotten worse or if y'all feel new symptoms. With rashes, a trick to use is to outline the rash with a pen, and you'll know it's getting worse if the rash extends exterior of the lines. A doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or even a tetanus booster.

My spider bite before treatment.


The "insects," ticks and mosquitos are grouped together because they both act equally vectors, transmitting zoonotic diseases. Both are each a double whammy considering they are parasitic and feed on your blood, which is why they transmit diseases so well. I'm being repetitive here, merely once more, know the bugs yous're looking for, especially the unlike species of ticks, and it is good to know where they like to hang out and where they like to hide out on your trunk.

Mosquitos thrive in hot, humid areas with brackish water. Almost Nobos hit the moving ridge in NJ/NY, and for me, a Sobo, mosquito alley occurred in MA. Ticks, canis familiaris, deer, and lonely star, love alpine grasses, so fields are plentiful with ticks. Once they observe you, they like to inhabit the moist, warm places on your body. Ofttimes they are buried in your hair, armpit, or fifty-fifty your crotch. Be sure to check your dorsum, besides.  As for prevention for both mosquitos and ticks, I recommend problems spray if you're willing to carry it. As well, care for your clothes and gear with Permethrin spray. Lastly, try to practise tick checks daily, or if not daily, every few days/when y'all get a shower. Take a friend check your back for you lot. If yous accept a canis familiaris- please check your dog!

Insect Bites

If y'all go bitten by an insect, the next step is to look out for any symptoms that you are carrying a zoonotic disease. These diseases include West Nile virus and Zika virus transmitted by mosquitos and Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever transmitted by ticks. Near of these have like symptoms to look out for, such equally headache, fever, chill, rashes, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and confusion. If you begin to notice these symptoms exist sure to seek medical attention.

Rabies Vectors

The types of species that bear rabies are raccoons, skunks, woodchucks, bats, weasel species and relatives, canines, and felines. Therefore, practise not approach these species! Many people say to look out for a crazed animal foaming from the mouth. I would say, but avoid them all together, simply do be extra weary if they announced extremely aggressive, lethargic, or demonstrate neurologic disorder. Wildlife should run away from y'all quickly, so if they aren't, it tin can exist a red flag. If yous come up across an animate being that y'all are especially concerned virtually, you tin endeavour to contact the local enforcement, similarly to with an injured creature.

Rabies Vector Bites

Rabies is a zoonotic viral disease that is fatal to animals that are susceptible, including united states of america and our dogs. At that place take been few cases of humans surviving rabies, and although its transmission to humans in the US is very rare, any slight chance of being infected is taken very seriously. It is transmitted via saliva, and unfortunately, the only manner to test an animal is post-mortem. If ane of these animals bites or scratches y'all or ane of your pets, it is best to become that animate being tested. Additionally, bats spit, so even without a bite, a bat found in your dwelling house (or shelter) should be brought in for testing. Someone in Maine fifty-fifty drowned a raccoon in a puddle in the woods later on she was attacked.

If a rabies suspect bites or scratches you lot or your pet, then you lot definitely need to contact a dr.. Immediately rinse your wound out with water and soap as much as possible and continue to follow directions given to you by your doctor.


Rodents are a nuisance animate being more than than anything. They volition do anything inside their ability to get your food and destroy your expensive gear in the process. To forbid this Make clean Upwardly Later on YOURSELF! Endeavour not to overuse spaces, like shelters and campsites. Shop your nutrient properly, including behave bagging it at night. And delight, for Pete's sake, don't feed them. Yes, I did come across someone deliberately feeding a vole and a mouse.

Rodent Issues

If you do have whatsoever issues with rodents, yous may just have to clean up the mess and get abroad from that space. You lot might have to buy new gear or rethink your nutrient storage strategy. If you catch a rodent in the act, you lot can scare them off, but know that they will come back if you don't move or brand adjustments.

Other Mammals

The bears and porcupines that brand up the "other mammals" category are in this section for like reasons to the rodents. Yous may remember that you have to worry about bear attacks, but these are extremmmmeeelyyyy rare. By and large, they want nothing to do with you except to eat your nutrient. To prevent negative interactions here, simply store your food properly and clean upwardly after yourself. With bears, be aware of whatsoever campsite or shelter closures or warnings for certain sections of trail. You can cheque this on the ATC'southward official trail updates webpage. If you lot run into bears or porcupines along the trail, just make a lot of noise, and this will scare them off. Every time I ran into a comport, I yelled or banged my trekking poles together, and the bears took off in the opposite direction. Blackness bears are not aggressive. Just don't be that person who tries to sneak up on 1 for a skillful photo. You are putting yourself and the carry at hazard.

Other Mammal Issues

If y'all are attacked by a blackness conduct, do non play dead. Brand yourself large and try to retreat to a safe place. If necessary, fight back using any object available. If you are hurt or injured, phone call for help immediately, endeavor to clean out any wounds, and bandage them if possible. Recruit help from others.

Coming Across Injured, Sick and "Orphaned" Wildlife

In that location is a chance that you lot tin run into wildlife in any or all of these categories. Y'all may panic- what should you lot exercise?! As a veterinary technician at a wild animals hospital and rehabilitation heart, I have several suggestions.

Beginning, let nature run its course. Animals get ill, injured, and orphaned, if not acquired by humans, it is simply something that happens. Maybe they'll become a meal to another fauna in need.  Additionally, if yous think an creature is orphaned, it is virtually likely not (unless you lot tin can confirm the parent is dead). Otherwise, parents exit their young unattended almost of the time. With orphan situations, I'd always just exit information technology exist. We come across kidnapping far too often where I work.

2nd, you tin attempt to do something to aid. Delight DO Non try to handle the animate being. It volition endeavor to bite, scratch, stab, so grabbing them yourself can lead to you lot getting hurt, which simply makes the state of affairs worse. Also, every state varies on its wild animals policies. However, in every state information technology is illegal to rehabilitate wild fauna without some sort of permit or license, so there is no sense in you directly coming into contact with the fauna. Instead, my all-time recommendation is to contact the local constabulary/ecology enforcement, whether that be an animal control officeholder, a park ranger, or the state sectionalisation of fish and wild animals, report your location and your business organization, and keep on your way.

A Favor to Ask: RODENTICIDE Alarm

At Hostels or other stops along the trail, you may see boxes similar to the one pictured below. Yous may even have them in your home. These comprise rodenticide baits to kill mice and rats. Unfortunately, that's not all they kill. Now, I know were are hiker trash, and hiker trash attracts these animals, only death past rodenticide is brutal and impacts the environment negatively.

Rodenticide bait box- go on an center out for these!

Rodenticide contains an anticoagulant. Vitamin Thou is depleted in the body, and the victim has a long slow decease from bleeding out internally. Since death is not instantaneous, the rodents leave the bait box and slowly grow weaker as the toxin takes touch. What does that make them? An piece of cake meal for the hawks, owls, foxes, etc. Similarly to Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, we run across bioaccumulation up the food concatenation. In California, more than 85% of tested mountain lions, bobcats, and fishers tested positive for toxic rat poisonous substance. At the wildlife center I work at, the numbers are probably similar if not higher for birds of prey. So not only are the rodents dying from rodenticide toxicosis, the predators are, too.

Then what am I asking? Well beginning, if you have these in your homes, stop using them. Merely, what I desire from you is to continue your eyes peeled for these at hostels. If you see these baits, delight say something. Afterwards all, shouldn't these places be pro-environment and conservation. You tin can always start with, "Hey I read this commodity on The Trek that mentioned rodenticide baits are bad for the environment…." You tin offer them an culling. The most humane way to go rid of rodents, besides using a haverhart trap and releasing them elsewhere, is to use snap traps. This may daze some of yous, but the death is nearly instantaneous, minimizing the hurting and suffering. Also, at that place is no toxicant involved. Nothing that could travel up the nutrient chain and kill other species. If places are worried near the snap traps having a bad effect aesthetically, have them cut a cardboard box with an opening to conceal the traps.

The wildlife and I appreciate your help!

In Determination

Hopefully y'all will get to come across some wildlife along your adventures, but remember to exist safe and respectful. Humans are animals, too, so expect subsequently your fellow creatures.

Happy trails from Wild animals (me)!

What Animals Live in the Appalachian Trail

Source: https://thetrek.co/appalachian-trail/wildlife-along-appalachian-trail/



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